Friday, February 29, 2008

Elvis "The King" Presley

According to the video we watched yesterday in class, Elvis was brought into his music career because of his ability to sing in a way that was similar to black music. Even if this is true, do you think Elvis's label disclosed this info to the public? Also, how do you think the black community respond to Elvis's music, given the fact that he was brought in to integrate a style of black music to the public.

Monday, February 25, 2008


The Hawks have multiple home games coming up in the month of March. For all those Hawks fans out there, do yourself a favor and "COMMIT TO THE INDIAN."

Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Blog

"Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?"

I think my first favorite band was Linking Park. Now I say this only because I bought their first CD, and didn't have any other CD's before hand. Now I can't really recall how old I was when I bought that CD, but I think I was in either 4th or 5th grade. It's really funny answering this question, because I don't really know why this music was important to me other then I liked listening to it. Their music had an interesting twist to it that seemed to draw me in. Other then that, I really don't have an answer to this question.

Dark Knight Trailer #3 (Newly Released)