Monday, May 5, 2008

Liberal or Conservative? Which one are you?

What is the difference between conservative & liberal viewpoints in America?

For this question, all I can say is I have no idea. I don’t really know what is really considered conservative or liberal for that matter. I can only remember a few instances where liberal and conservative issues have been thrown around, and that was in class this year. Even though we were talking about which newspaper is which, I still have no clue what it meant to be a liberal or a conservationist. Also may I add that from presidential candidates, to senators, to mayor or governors, all the way to district representatives, I have no idea what it means when people say they are going to vote for them because of their liberal or conservative view points. When I hear candidates or other people running for some sort of position, I don’t really care what cultural point of view they have, and I think this is because I’m open minded in terms of what I like to hear. I know not to always just decide whom I will cast my ballet for based on the promises they make, but when it comes down to it I guess that’s all we have to base our vote on.

I feel the reason I don’t know anything about these viewpoints is because I have no real party that I am committed to. I try to stay away from politics because they bore me and I don’t want to read or watch something that is extremely boring. So I cannot give input out on what it means to be a person with a liberal point of view or a conservative. I know nothing of there differences, nor do I really personally care what they are.

1 comment:

Hjelms! said...

Did the "top 10" lists that I gave you help your understanding of the differences between the viewpoints of liberals and conservatives?

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